Itsuka Kotori Apps

Egg 1.4.3
Itsuka Kotori
Ready to enjoy the magic egg a very fun game!More eggs, more than a surprise, over more mysterious things! Egghidden in the end what a rich reward it? Constantly knocking theegg until the egg to split up, look inside the egg contains a fewsurprises in the end and the fun of it, this game is addictive,oh!Magic eggs are very suitable for small children the bestapplication, one must play the game of modern children is theultimate surprise egg virtual simulation game. If your child likesopen egg surprise, it definitely can not miss this explosivesurprise many games for children, is a perfect application, playinga play, play school, class play, school play, sleep play, schoolplay, no time limit, children will love to play the perfect gamesurprises.In this application, you will find plenty of eggs and a varietyof interactive surprises. You will find many different gift for thecollection, such as the Princess and other cartoon characters andmovies, as well as a large number of children's favorite toys,bears, puppets, dinosaurs, rabbits, cats, dogs, etc. toys waitingfor you to collect.Magic egg is a fun and most people play children's games, thewide variety of all kinds of toys and surprises, fun combined intoone.Play Introduction:* Choose to open the eggs* Click with your fingers constantly magical egg* Until the egg split up to get toysVery suitable for children's games, a lot of different toys andsurprises, let your child learn and grow educational games.Absolutely can not miss a game, come to play an exciting game magicegg, constantly surprises enjoy the fun!Let your child learn to pay only the outcome must strive to givethe toys a sense of accomplishment, and strive to click on theprocess, it is very rare experience, you must have money can get towork, there is no free lunch, children best education one of thegames.
Eggs world 1.0.1
Itsuka Kotori
Eggs, also known as egg, birds, reptiles andamphibians born with a hard shell of the egg after fertilizationcan hatch a small animal for human consumption for thousands ofyears of history. Protected by the egg shell, and among the whiteand yolk are wrapped in various films.Egg yolks and whole eggs store large amounts of protein, cholineand other nutrients. Therefore, the United States Nongye Bu eggsdefined as meat in the diet pyramid.The most common of human consumption of eggs is eggs (akachicken), other more often for food have duck eggs, quail eggs,goose and so on.Eggs can be divided into three parts: the shell, protein and eggyolk.Egg yolk contains high cholesterol, but also contains a highlecithin, carotenoids and lutein (can prevent arteriosclerosis),the proportion of saturated fatty acids of egg yolk total fat andonly 27%; therefore heart vascular disease has been controversial,some studies would think that one day an egg (yolk) for theprevention of cardiovascular disease harmless even beneficial, evena small number of studies have shown that two pairs of one daycardiovascular disease is not the problem, physicians believe thata healthy custard vegetarians can eat for a day or three egg yolks;the main reason is that the human body is mainly the liver tomanufacture cholesterol, and when eating large amounts ofcholesterol in the liver will automatically reduce cholesterolmanufacturing, so do not worry too much about the food insidecholesterol, excessive intake of saturated fats will stimulate theliver to produce excess cholesterol.In addition to concerns about high cholesterol, the egg has agood and balanced nutrition. Another contain nutrients choline,vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin B and other groups. Therecent ban on the use of MBM in various countries after raisingchickens, egg cholesterol levels began to decline. If you use ahigh ω-3 fatty acid diet fed hens eggs which will have a higheramount of ω-3 fatty acids, ω-3 fatty acids are likely to lack themodern diet of fatty acids, are also considered to reducecardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer , depression andinfertility risk of fatty acids (fish oil capsules is to complementω-3 fatty acids).Another concern is the health of eggs is likely to cause chronicfood allergies, chronic food allergy is an obvious symptoms,difficult to detect food allergies. Vegetarian vegan custard mayalso eat eggs and dairy; and vegans unless additional supplement,it will be very easy to lack of vitamin B12 (mainly from animalfoods). Some studies suggest that more healthy than custardvegetarian, vegan, because the vegan cause low cholesterol,increase the risk of hemorrhagic stroke.Helanlaideng University study showed that tryptophan (eggs,chocolate and red meats) can increase mutual trust. The studyparticipants were first orange juice drink containing tryptophan,in pairs and then they play the trust game, the money will behanded over to one of them, let him decide how much to pay forcompanion and fellow then surrendered the first part of the moneyone person, and repeated several times.Play Introduction:* Click on the eggs constantly, until he split to* Collect all kinds of egg bar* Understand and value the precious eggsThis game is one game of surprises, a variety of particularlyinteresting eggs, let you one big eye-opener, and are fromdifferent places, so that the way you play, the more interesting toknow more constantly surprises business simulation applications,continuous collect all the eggs it.
Egg 1.0.8
Itsuka Kotori
I like to eat fruit? Come and enjoy thissurprise stimulus, the fruit's rich entertainment simulation game.Cut, you have to constantly cut, will it be possible to see thefinal of the last things that may make you put it down,mouth-watering, will take time, but not tired of playing, can alsobe time consuming ground game, will I like to play!There are three fruits1. There are juicy and sweet fruit of flowering plants.2. The less water, but the banana plants have fruitsweetness.3. Has flesh, edible berries, citrus fruit, stone fruit, pome,false berry.The simple fun, rich and delicious delicious fruit, eggssurprises most people love the game, so you play ~
Key Box 1.0.1
Itsuka Kotori
The safe had to try a lot of keys to open,keep looking until you find a real open the box to get the mostbeautiful and the most valuable and most valuable treasure, whichis the diamond, but not so easy for you to get it!You could get to it? There's a baby, not with the general approachto take, the player must be a little wisdom, perseverance,patience, observation, endurance, perseverance, self-motivated,naturally can open the box, is not simple, but the difficulty therealso exists a certain standard, as long as the players can work,will bear fruit one day, yes! Trying to have a chance to succeed,success is not accidental, failure is not without reason.After clicking finished, there will be surprises waiting for youto come up, I hope we are able to succeed, everything goes, goodluck, it's just a challenge to it, however, after which it is notsimple to face, play after this game, just remember, if they workhard, one day there will be results-based, adhere to and believe intheir beliefs, perseverance to achieve all the goals on the road inthe next, will be able to open up, I hope this game played people,can be realized, and this is the greatest significance of thisgame, "heritage"! ! !
Surprise Package 1.2.2
Itsuka Kotori
Gifts between ancient and people give eachother items. The purpose is to express goodwill, respect, or toplease each other. Gift also to celebrate festivals or importantdates. Whether adults or children all love to receive gifts thismatter, will receive different gifts at different festivals,perhaps a birthday or Christmas gifts ...... and so on.While opening presents this action is undoubtedly among the mostanticipated and most stimulating, never knew was inside what size,what shape, what color's "mind."Here are five picture outset the question mark will appear afterclicking 1000 under the first figure shows a full-screen image ofthe beautiful and, if they can reduce the tapFrom left to right of the question mark will automatically displaythe first image of the beautiful just received, then click on themap may have been beautiful once again a full-screen zoom view.Take a look at those beautiful Keyihuode map it, Why not act now!!!
Egg Breaking 1.0.2
Itsuka Kotori
Ready to enjoy eggs fun of it!Beat eggs will tell you a big surprise, every time you breakeggsBeat eggs is a very interesting application, your goal is to tapthe egg until it is brokenWhich bears many children playing toys, dolls and a variety ofvery interestingEvery time you once the program has a different surprise afterbreaking eggsBreaking eggs is well supported on phones and tabletsWe hope you will enjoy our app spend your timeThis is a lot of people playing the game, I believe you will beaddictedBreaking eggs to develop patience, it's great funFunny breaking egg to laugh your friends crazy enjoyTags: children, surprise, eggs
Rainbow Egg 1.0.7
Itsuka Kotori
Cute fun colored eggs in front of you, peoplewill smile played.Very colorful and fun rich eggs virtual simulation game, simplytouch the egg on Keyihuode Surprise, many children are fond ofplaying games, so you play the class, chatting playing, eating,watching television play, so you put it down and do not play onehundred tired of crazy surprises applications.It is specifically designed for children, can learn to touch theeggs after efforts to rely on, only the harvest, do not work hardthere will be no results, there is no free lunch, how much timeeffort, the results are written in the above figures at a glance.Do not take the time, did not move his head, did not pay effort, noeffort trying to is not going to get the final prize, please clickon the efforts colorful colors egg!What surprise is it ultimately? Efforts to pay only after thetalent will be very interesting, and you can play the game a longtime, really successful people, very few, why we have called agenius, in fact, is trying to type a genius.Product Features:* Super-favorite multiplayer game played with eggs* Colorful color moving bright, attractive* Children's children are the most favorite applications* Simple and easy playable surprises, mysterious stimulus
Red Ball 1.0.8
Itsuka Kotori
Very casual entertainment games, a comfortablebackground music to do with, showing a fresh and comfortable gamingenvironment, players use buttons on the screen and jumping up anddown, move a little red ball, avoid traps, swinging walk, jumplimit , as well as the use of color to determine whether the objecthas a special function to remind the players are dangerous playersneed to use some brain power, with no time limit, the test playercontrols the ball carefully and endurance, players can follow therhythm of the music slowly to play the game to experience the gamein a variety of interesting features box.Shining star player controls the ball reaches the point that theclearance to the next level, to see a variety of color box, the boxwill be able to determine whether there are special features, earlyreaction, that way you can easily reach the end of a pleasant breakoff each level has the characteristics of each level and bodies,please enjoy a variety of fun games players slowly where, free toplay him.Behind the level will be more difficult, players need moreobservant, and note the characteristics of each functional block,the block will move, disappear, crashed down, stretch, zoom,rotate, and so even more, also need stronger intellectual quotient,some because of the color squares will mislead you, cause you donot know even how to die, so players can shine in their own waycontinue to play, because the music itself has a very relaxedplayers can better enjoy the taste of the fruits of victory of thegame, the latter will have a more extensive authority objects,waiting for you to experience the fun!Ball (English transliteration of Hong Kong known as "wave" ball)ball games essential goods. The ball is rotationally symmetrical,cube reflective symmetry. Ball will follow it with the physicalform of the ball, decided to use what contacts the ball for thegame. Such as football and other suitable shape and stretch theirfeet, the first hit, the hand is not easy, so football will be inaddition to the provisions of any part of the body can be outsidethe hand ball, the ball is really very special and fun to do anarticle.
Egg 1.0.1
Itsuka Kotori
Eggs, also known as egg, birds, reptiles andamphibians born with a hard shell of the egg after fertilizationcan hatch a small animal for human consumption for thousands ofyears of history. Protected by the egg shell, and among the whiteand yolk are wrapped in various films.Egg yolks and whole eggs store large amounts of protein, cholineand other nutrients. Therefore, the United States Nongye Bu eggsdefined as meat in the diet pyramid.The most common of human consumption of eggs is eggs (akachicken), other more often for food have duck eggs, quail eggs,goose and so on.*eggshellComplete eggshell eggs round one big, one small, accounting forabout 11% to 11.5% of the total volume of the egg. Eggshellmembrane can be divided into upper case, lower case leather, gaschamber. The main component of egg shell calcium carbonate, about91% to 95% by weight of the entire shell. Its calcium compositionand pearl oyster, bone, dried fish the same, is a good source ofcalcium. In addition, the shell still contain approximately 5% ofmagnesium carbonate, and calcium phosphate and 2% gum.The shell membrane: the egg shell on the outside, a layer ofopaque, unstructured film; role is to prevent water evaporationeggs.Shell under the skin: the shell inside the film, co-Layer; airfreely through the membrane.Chamber: lower floor housing gap between the skin; if the egg islost gas, the gas chamber will continue to increase.*proteinProtein is a gelatinous substance under the skin in the case ofsemi-fluid volume about 57% -58.5% of whole egg. Protein containsabout 12 percent protein, mainly proteins. Protein also contains acertain amount of riboflavin, niacin, biotin and calcium,phosphorus, iron and other substances. Protein coagulationtemperature was about 80 ℃. Protein concentration was divided intoprotein, lean protein.Concentrated proteins: close to the part of the yolk protein, ahigher concentration.Lean protein: protein near the shell portion, more diluteconcentrations.*yolkLiving yolk more central protein by lacing suspended poles. Yolk byvolume about 30% to 32% whole egg, the main components of thematerial vitellin, additional fat content of 28.2%, fat mostly of alecithin phospholipids. Respect for human nutrition, egg yolk arerich in vitamin A and vitamin D, and contains high iron,phosphorus, sulfur and calcium and minerals. Yolk of embryos withinthe disc. If the fertilized egg has about 21 days after the chickswill hatch. Coagulated egg yolk at a temperature of about 70 ℃.Blastoderm as a white dot the surface of the egg yolk, eggfertilized embryos disc diameter of about 3 mm smaller unfertilizedegg blastoderm.-------------------------This is a very educational game, one egg is a very healthy food,when you play this application time, but also can learn theimportant value of eggs, there is a growing need for us food weapart from eating, but also learn how to produce eggs, with thisgame and Education merger application, just that you need, quicklydownload and play, and after all, there is a special surprise foryou too! ! !Play Introduction:* Constantly click eggs* Collect all the different pictures* Get the best surprise
Safe Box 1.0.5
Itsuka Kotori
Ready to enjoy this puzzle app now! Multi-key,to find items, open the final super-mysterious treasure it! Withinthis Insurance hidden in the end what a rich reward it? Continue toget the keys until you can open up the box to see me in the endwhich contains a number of surprises and fun of it, this game isaddictive, oh!Magic is very safe for small children, the best application, onemust play the game of modern children is the ultimate safe virtualsimulation game. If your kids like to open the safe, it absolutelycan not miss this explosive surprise many games for children, is aperfect application, playing a play, play school, class play,school play, sleep play, play reading, without time limit, childrenwill love to play the perfect game surprises.In this application, you must gather the key to completeportion, will it be possible to open the safe, so efforts to obtainall the keys will be the ultimate goal and purpose for this takes alot of time and effort trying to get into the task in order toenjoy the fruits of victory, as long as they have enough metaphorserious efforts to accumulate knowledge and experience, will beable to eventually bear fruit, different keys metaphor of time,effort, dedication, wisdom and so on, are indispensable to succeedsuccess is a step by step, down to earth to obtain all the keys, isthe key to success in life, the teachings of this application hasgreat educational value of human existence.Magic is a fun and safe for most people to play children'sgames, will be a wide variety of toys and a variety of surprises,fun combined into one.Play Introduction:* Select the key to open* Click with your fingers constantly magical safe* Until safe to open, to get the final gemVery suitable for children's games, a lot of different keys andsurprises, let your child learn and grow educational games.Absolutely can not miss a game, come to play an exciting game magicsafe, constantly surprises enjoy the fun!Let your child learn to pay only the outcome must strive to give asense of accomplishment, and the process of trying to click theultimate treasure is a very rare experience, you must have moneycan get to work, there is no free lunch, most children one of thebest educational games.
The Strongest Egg 1.0.3
Itsuka Kotori
Can you crack all the eggs it? Eggs are veryhard and very expensive especially great too!A total of six eggs, you have to Yiyi crushed, what will itlast?Even I do not know, I only know that the egg is very strong, youhave to beat him.You knock up to 24 hours continuously, it may also not enough time,because the back of the eggs will be more powerful, more rigid,more particularly it.Are you ready? With your fastest hand of God, constantly attackingthe eggs directly to the split, the replaced an egg, beat until allmay play a dislocated hand, but we will not be responsible for,very sorry, in short, hard hitting egg!Desperately trying to re-take the time to spend energy, there isalways broken off day, the egg is very strong, but the effort isdefinitely not inferior to the genius type egg yo ~When can knock eggs:★ attending a lecture, they can secretly mad knock click XD★ bored, you can pass the time chirp Mi ♥★ killing and students chatting★ in the back and when reading text★ As long as you are willing, when no problemAfter all your Qiaowan broken off, want to be able to comment,for us it is the greatest support and help.Thank you! !
Love Egg 1.0.2
Itsuka Kotori
Ready to enjoy this egg has a feeling it! Thisis among the couple gave birth to the egg, which contains all thefeelings crystallized, touch the heart, allowing the eggs hatchout, u will get the expected situation in love yo ~Touch one egg, showing a relationship, will wipe out the sparkof love yo ~This is to make girls and boys especially love eggs surprisegame, feel the love plot egg inside it!Like pink eggs do? There will be representatives of the newpeach yo ~Spend much time playing love egg, will increase their lovestory, play longer the more romantic encounters more and morechance to find a new partner boyfriend girlfriend playful lovestory. Do not believe this application will have to play romanticencounters yo ~
Glow Egg 1.6.2
Itsuka Kotori
This is a very beautiful and exciting game, abeautiful and bright picture quality eggs, delightful game.Egg looks very nice, you have to touch him, he may split, youmight also save precious value shall Fengyun very extraordinarycolored eggs, but the eggs broken, will receive special and usefulsurprise, please try Look, very rare.It is crazy eggs, waiting for you knock it, constantly knocking,he would shake, there will be sound, try to crack him, there is amethod, moving head spot, it may be able to quickly break reachingtask.Play Introduction:* Click continually brilliant mysterious egg* Collect all different surprises* Get the best surprisePlease quickly download and play, and after a torn, there is aspecial surprise for you too! ! !
Bao Egg 1.0.2
Itsuka Kotori
Very incredible surprise game!Contains many surprises, Baby knows, but baby do not say.This is a golden egg, it shines very bright gold,You have to constantly touch her until the egg split up.Even at hand cramps, but the baby is not responsible.You must tap the egg until all levels are completed,Finally there is a small surprise, I hope you can see that,Baby think this is a fun game to knock the eggs,Hope to see you can download and play, have fun,We will be very happy! ! !If you like this game, please give us a good review andevaluation.Thank you!
Surprise Egg 1.3.2
Itsuka Kotori
Constantly surprises memorable, this is asurprise for the kids egg interesting mysterious mobilegames.There are many egg cute animal pattern, waiting for your child todownload this game to collect, can be said to be one of the bestchildren's app, playable and can play for a long time, until youcollect all the toys surprises so far, very modern children need todownload this game to play.Prepare your phone, it is time to download this game Hello! Thisgame for children, can be said to be very educational game forchildren to understand that there is no unearned things, effortsmust be harvested only strive clicking surprise eggs, cracked eggs,until the moment came, there will be no Like the joy of existenceit! If you do not work hard click eggs will always nothing is noteligible, though a bit cruel to children, but they have to learnsooner or later efforts to pay, to spend time and energy on it,will have unexpected results exist yet!As for the surprise egg cracked in the end what is it? There aremany animals stored inside dolls, cats, dogs, teddy bears, rats,rabbits, chickens, etc., is very rich and diverse toys, waiting foryour child to collect it, do not call your children downloadit?How to play:Repeatedly click on the egg, the egg will not stop shakingPoint to the egg to split up, stopped inCollect a variety of dolls, all direct
Egg 1.0.1
Itsuka Kotori
Ready to enjoy the special entertainmentsurprise game!Is suitable for you to take the time to play, a combination ofblack and white piano block, consisting of eggs, simply tap thetouch reaches a certain number of times, you get the treasure.Like playing the piano game applications, there may be thingsyou do not want to see.It is crazy, and rapid application of new eggs, percussion,there will be sound, any time you can, and you can record, you needto spend some time efforts must be harvested, rewarded for thathard.Children play for children and adults alike!
Shaking Eggs 1.0.5
Itsuka Kotori
Shake the egg a great surprise insideinteresting applications shaking eggs, u must continue to touch it,touch it, to appease it, it will continue to grow, you'll end everytime you break the egg, as a pirate egg, raging puppets, Mexicaneggs, and even bacon pan, rabbit toys, shake the eggs until thetime get a different egg breaking surprises, will be surprised tointeresting incentives yo.You just shake the phone, shaking u applications, some eggs willstart to crack, and a few rattled the egg cracked some moreintervals until the last egg is broken, there is a wealth ofsurprises for children, each left a different surprise.Ready to enjoy this rocking crack eggs it is many people'sfavorite, just shake to get a surprise to the corresponding timeFunny shaking egg to laugh your friends crazy enjoy, kept shakingthe egg on the prairie it !
Easter Egg Maker 1.0.2
Itsuka Kotori
Ready to enjoy this application, containingmany different surprise eggs,Very personal characteristics, and rich content, constantlysurprises,Eggs which bears, toys, dolls, children's favorite,what are you waiting for!Let's celebrate Easter with fun, shine!It takes time to do some more color eggs.Easter egg coloring game brings you happiness. You play the Easterbunny or puppets, toys.Great for kids and adults applications!   Game Features:Attractive highVarious decorative Easter eggsChildren are suitable for adults and children's contentContent-rich eggs SurpriseSimple and easy gameplayHas high artistic valueBeautiful bright egg coatThousands of eggs combination
Dragon Eggs 1.0.5
Itsuka Kotori
If you have a dragon eggs.You have to touch it will hatch, will get an unexpected pet.You can give it a name, keep it to take care of it.Choose your color, and styling.Very interesting and constantly surprises.Must hatching success, will get a surprise.
Egg Baby 1.0.1
Itsuka Kotori
Ready to enjoy this application that touchedpeople's hearts, if you feel darling is lovely, you will love toplay egg.Delightful, fun, addictive, and resolve people's pet game thateveryone is talking about!Egg baby is everyone's favorite, requires a lot of attention andcare of the pet, feed, bathe, illness, must take care of bythemselves, let your baby stay healthy and happy egg, will bepleasantly surprised yo!Baby egg contains a wealth of rewards and surprises, childrenand everyone loved the gifts, help baby egg hatch is completed, hewill give you a surprise, keep clicking to reach a certain numberof times, get props, but you must take care of it, it You can getsick, or even death!
Shine Egg 1.0.2
Itsuka Kotori
The simple eggs funny game, you must touch theegg, there will be surprises, there will be your favorite.A lot of fun, light infinite, crazy eggs, will be your bestchoice, it will definitely love it.Many people like eggs, will be presented in front of you, shakeit, Keyihuode treasure, there is a strategy and methods, with theuse of your brain thinking.Tip: You can touch the screen several times with the number offingersBoring people playing, usually Recreation can play, even sleepthe rest are playing a great time, without time limitations.Features:* Luminous egg, shining attractive, people want to shake* Many surprises, playable time consuming grinding the bestassistant* Magical treasures, is your best choice
Imitation Eggs 1.1.2
Itsuka Kotori
This is a very easy to surprise simulationgames, he is to simulate an egg.Must knock it, constantly kept clicking until the egg cracks,broken open to get the treasure.In your spare time you can knock it, knocking class, classknock, knock chat, sleep knock, knock rest, after all were,finally, as will be the most mysterious and the most usefultreasure waiting for you ~This is the great secret of eggs simulation game, there arefarms and real eggs, chickens, animals and so on Harvest Moon.
Mine Egg 1.0.1
Itsuka Kotori
Crack this super awesome touch mine eggs. Ifyou hit a mine egg 1 million times it will tell you what is reallyinside it.Ready to enjoy the true lovers should know that egg! The egg ismine awesom, but do you really think it's a chicken inside it? Thisgame is nothing special, but I'm sure you can not stop touchingmine egg, this application is very interesting, and includeseducational fun, delightful surprises simulation game.* Important: Please move the head point, which is part puzzlegame, with at most a few finger touch can make the egg faster crackit?But be careful, sinister secret hidden inside, there may besomething in it, you do not like to see, and perhaps particularlyrich reward entity, or a favorite East Tibet in there, waiting foryou to get.Product Features:* Simple fun, high degree of surprise* Suitable for all ages to play* Playable lasting, and can be time consuming grind* Constantly surprises and joyPerhaps this is maddening application, but I think you will liketo play, because the product itself is very special!
The Strongest Egg 1.1.3
Itsuka Kotori
Can you crack all the eggs it? Eggs are veryhard and very expensive especially great too!A total of six eggs, you have to Yiyi crushed, what will itlast?Even I do not know, I only know that the egg is very strong, youhave to beat him.You knock up to 24 hours continuously, it may also not enough time,because the back of the eggs will be more powerful, more rigid,more particularly it.Are you ready? With your fastest hand of God, constantly attackingthe eggs directly to the split, the replaced an egg, beat until allmay play a dislocated hand, but we will not be responsible for,very sorry, in short, hard hitting egg!Desperately trying to re-take the time to spend energy, there isalways broken off day, the egg is very strong, but the effort isdefinitely not inferior to the genius type egg yo ~When can knock eggs:★ attending a lecture, they can secretly mad knock click XD★ bored, you can pass the time chirp Mi ♥★ killing and students chatting★ in the back and when reading text★ As long as you are willing, when no problemAfter all your Qiaowan broken off, want to be able to comment, forus it is the greatest support and help.Thank you! !
Love Egg 1.0.9
Itsuka Kotori
Ready to enjoy this egg has a feeling it! Thisis among the couple gave birth to the egg, which contains all thefeelings crystallized, touch the heart, allowing the eggs hatchout, u will get the expected situation in love yo ~Touch one egg, showing a relationship, will wipe out the spark oflove yo ~This is to make girls and boys especially love eggs surprise game,feel the love plot egg inside it!Like pink eggs do? There will be representatives of the new peachyo ~Spend much time playing love egg, will increase their love story,play longer the more romantic encounters more and more chance tofind a new partner boyfriend girlfriend playful love story. Do notbelieve this application will have to play romantic encounters yo~
Shine Egg 1.0.8
Itsuka Kotori
The simple eggs funny game, you must touch theegg, there will be surprises, there will be your favorite.A lot of fun, light infinite, crazy eggs, will be your best choice,it will definitely love it.Many people like eggs, will be presented in front of you, shake it,Keyihuode treasure, there is a strategy and methods, with the useof your brain thinking.Tip: You can touch the screen several times with the number offingersBoring people playing, usually Recreation can play, even sleep therest are playing a great time, without time limitations.Features:* Luminous egg, shining attractive, people want to shake* Many surprises, playable time consuming grinding the bestassistant* Magical treasures, is your best choice
Egg 1.0.7
Itsuka Kotori
Eggs, also known as egg, birds, reptiles andamphibians born with a hard shell of the egg after fertilizationcan hatch a small animal for human consumption for thousands ofyears of history. Protected by the egg shell, and among the whiteand yolk are wrapped in various films.Egg yolks and whole eggs store large amounts of protein, cholineand other nutrients. Therefore, the United States Nongye Bu eggsdefined as meat in the diet pyramid.The most common of human consumption of eggs is eggs (aka chicken),other more often for food have duck eggs, quail eggs, goose and soon.*eggshellComplete eggshell eggs round one big, one small, accounting forabout 11% to 11.5% of the total volume of the egg. Eggshellmembrane can be divided into upper case, lower case leather, gaschamber. The main component of egg shell calcium carbonate, about91% to 95% by weight of the entire shell. Its calcium compositionand pearl oyster, bone, dried fish the same, is a good source ofcalcium. In addition, the shell still contain approximately 5% ofmagnesium carbonate, and calcium phosphate and 2% gum.The shell membrane: the egg shell on the outside, a layer ofopaque, unstructured film; role is to prevent water evaporationeggs.Shell under the skin: the shell inside the film, co-Layer; airfreely through the membrane.Chamber: lower floor housing gap between the skin; if the egg islost gas, the gas chamber will continue to increase.*proteinProtein is a gelatinous substance under the skin in the case ofsemi-fluid volume about 57% -58.5% of whole egg. Protein containsabout 12 percent protein, mainly proteins. Protein also contains acertain amount of riboflavin, niacin, biotin and calcium,phosphorus, iron and other substances. Protein coagulationtemperature was about 80 ℃. Protein concentration was divided intoprotein, lean protein.Concentrated proteins: close to the part of the yolk protein, ahigher concentration.Lean protein: protein near the shell portion, more diluteconcentrations.*yolkLiving yolk more central protein by lacing suspended poles. Yolk byvolume about 30% to 32% whole egg, the main components of thematerial vitellin, additional fat content of 28.2%, fat mostly of alecithin phospholipids. Respect for human nutrition, egg yolk arerich in vitamin A and vitamin D, and contains high iron,phosphorus, sulfur and calcium and minerals. Yolk of embryos withinthe disc. If the fertilized egg has about 21 days after the chickswill hatch. Coagulated egg yolk at a temperature of about 70℃.Blastoderm as a white dot the surface of the egg yolk, eggfertilized embryos disc diameter of about 3 mm smaller unfertilizedegg blastoderm.-------------------------This is a very educational game, one egg is a very healthy food,when you play this application time, but also can learn theimportant value of eggs, there is a growing need for us food weapart from eating, but also learn how to produce eggs, with thisgame and Education merger application, just that you need, quicklydownload and play, and after all, there is a special surprise foryou too! ! !Play Introduction:* Constantly click eggs* Collect all the different pictures* Get the best surprise
Red Ball 1.2.4
Itsuka Kotori
Very casual entertainment games, a comfortablebackground music to do with, showing a fresh and comfortable gamingenvironment, players use buttons on the screen and jumping up anddown, move a little red ball, avoid traps, swinging walk, jumplimit , as well as the use of color to determine whether the objecthas a special function to remind the players are dangerous playersneed to use some brain power, with no time limit, the test playercontrols the ball carefully and endurance, players can follow therhythm of the music slowly to play the game to experience the gamein a variety of interesting features box.Shining star player controls the ball reaches the point that theclearance to the next level, to see a variety of color box, the boxwill be able to determine whether there are special features, earlyreaction, that way you can easily reach the end of a pleasant breakoff each level has the characteristics of each level and bodies,please enjoy a variety of fun games players slowly where, free toplay him.Behind the level will be more difficult, players need moreobservant, and note the characteristics of each functional block,the block will move, disappear, crashed down, stretch, zoom,rotate, and so even more, also need stronger intellectual quotient,some because of the color squares will mislead you, cause you donot know even how to die, so players can shine in their own waycontinue to play, because the music itself has a very relaxedplayers can better enjoy the taste of the fruits of victory of thegame, the latter will have a more extensive authority objects,waiting for you to experience the fun!Ball (English transliteration of Hong Kong known as "wave" ball)ball games essential goods. The ball is rotationally symmetrical,cube reflective symmetry. Ball will follow it with the physicalform of the ball, decided to use what contacts the ball for thegame. Such as football and other suitable shape and stretch theirfeet, the first hit, the hand is not easy, so football will be inaddition to the provisions of any part of the body can be outsidethe hand ball, the ball is really very special and fun to do anarticle.
Dragon Eggs 1.1.1
Itsuka Kotori
If you have a dragon eggs.You have to touch it will hatch, will get an unexpected pet.You can give it a name, keep it to take care of it.Choose your color, and styling.Very interesting and constantly surprises.Must hatching success, will get a surprise.
Egg Baby 1.0.7
Itsuka Kotori
Ready to enjoy this application that touchedpeople's hearts, if you feel darling is lovely, you will love toplay egg.Delightful, fun, addictive, and resolve people's pet game thateveryone is talking about!Egg baby is everyone's favorite, requires a lot of attention andcare of the pet, feed, bathe, illness, must take care of bythemselves, let your baby stay healthy and happy egg, will bepleasantly surprised yo!Baby egg contains a wealth of rewards and surprises, children andeveryone loved the gifts, help baby egg hatch is completed, he willgive you a surprise, keep clicking to reach a certain number oftimes, get props, but you must take care of it, it You can getsick, or even death!
Safe Box 1.1.9
Itsuka Kotori
Ready to enjoy this puzzle app now! Multi-key,to find items, open the final super-mysterious treasure it! Withinthis Insurance hidden in the end what a rich reward it? Continue toget the keys until you can open up the box to see me in the endwhich contains a number of surprises and fun of it, this game isaddictive, oh!Magic is very safe for small children, the best application, onemust play the game of modern children is the ultimate safe virtualsimulation game. If your kids like to open the safe, it absolutelycan not miss this explosive surprise many games for children, is aperfect application, playing a play, play school, class play,school play, sleep play, play reading, without time limit, childrenwill love to play the perfect game surprises.In this application, you must gather the key to complete portion,will it be possible to open the safe, so efforts to obtain all thekeys will be the ultimate goal and purpose for this takes a lot oftime and effort trying to get into the task in order to enjoy thefruits of victory, as long as they have enough metaphor seriousefforts to accumulate knowledge and experience, will be able toeventually bear fruit, different keys metaphor of time, effort,dedication, wisdom and so on, are indispensable to succeed successis a step by step, down to earth to obtain all the keys, is the keyto success in life, the teachings of this application has greateducational value of human existence.Magic is a fun and safe for most people to play children's games,will be a wide variety of toys and a variety of surprises, funcombined into one.Play Introduction:* Select the key to open* Click with your fingers constantly magical safe* Until safe to open, to get the final gemVery suitable for children's games, a lot of different keys andsurprises, let your child learn and grow educational games.Absolutely can not miss a game, come to play an exciting game magicsafe, constantly surprises enjoy the fun!Let your child learn to pay only the outcome must strive to give asense of accomplishment, and the process of trying to click theultimate treasure is a very rare experience, you must have moneycan get to work, there is no free lunch, most children one of thebest educational games.
Egg Farm 1.1.3
Itsuka Kotori
Come and enjoy this surprise unlimited,endless hope egg farm game now!Farms, an agricultural production unit, production organization orcompany to engage in agricultural production or animal husbandrymainly engaged in all kinds of agricultural and livestockproducts.The size of the farm as a business, by an individual, family orcommunity owned and operated by a consortium or scale company ownedand operated farms from a few acres to hundreds of thousands ofhectares ranging in the Americas, a farm big can be as large astens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of hectares of hectares.In mainland China, the people's commune period (1950 to 1980), alarge state-owned farms and a rural area of considerable size orseveral towns; originally to large farms dominated XinjiangProduction and Construction Corps, the Great Northern Wildernessnortheast since 1990 It has been changed since the town'sestablishment.A lot of eggs, egg hidden inside a surprise reward system, but itmust be possible to touch 1 million next, but it is playablestimulation takes a long time to play games, people play crazy,delightful surprise entertainment simulation game Yo!
Key Box 1.1.2
Itsuka Kotori
The safe had to try a lot of keys to open,keep looking until you find a real open the box to get the mostbeautiful and the most valuable and most valuable treasure, whichis the diamond, but not so easy for you to get it!You could get to it? There's a baby, not with the general approachto take, the player must be a little wisdom, perseverance,patience, observation, endurance, perseverance, self-motivated,naturally can open the box, is not simple, but the difficulty therealso exists a certain standard, as long as the players can work,will bear fruit one day, yes! Trying to have a chance to succeed,success is not accidental, failure is not without reason.After clicking finished, there will be surprises waiting for you tocome up, I hope we are able to succeed, everything goes, good luck,it's just a challenge to it, however, after which it is not simpleto face, play after this game, just remember, if they work hard,one day there will be results-based, adhere to and believe in theirbeliefs, perseverance to achieve all the goals on the road in thenext, will be able to open up, I hope this game played people, canbe realized, and this is the greatest significance of this game,"heritage"! ! !
Bao Egg 1.1.3
Itsuka Kotori
Very incredible surprise game!Contains many surprises, Baby knows, but baby do not say.This is a golden egg, it shines very bright gold,You have to constantly touch her until the egg split up.Even at hand cramps, but the baby is not responsible.You must tap the egg until all levels are completed,Finally there is a small surprise, I hope you can see that,Baby think this is a fun game to knock the eggs,Hope to see you can download and play, have fun,We will be very happy! ! !If you like this game, please give us a good review andevaluation.Thank you!
Rainbow Egg 1.1.3
Itsuka Kotori
Cute fun colored eggs in front of you, peoplewill smile played.Very colorful and fun rich eggs virtual simulation game, simplytouch the egg on Keyihuode Surprise, many children are fond ofplaying games, so you play the class, chatting playing, eating,watching television play, so you put it down and do not play onehundred tired of crazy surprises applications.It is specifically designed for children, can learn to touch theeggs after efforts to rely on, only the harvest, do not work hardthere will be no results, there is no free lunch, how much timeeffort, the results are written in the above figures at a glance.Do not take the time, did not move his head, did not pay effort, noeffort trying to is not going to get the final prize, please clickon the efforts colorful colors egg!What surprise is it ultimately? Efforts to pay only after thetalent will be very interesting, and you can play the game a longtime, really successful people, very few, why we have called agenius, in fact, is trying to type a genius.Product Features:* Super-favorite multiplayer game played with eggs* Colorful color moving bright, attractive* Children's children are the most favorite applications* Simple and easy playable surprises, mysterious stimulus
Eggs world 1.1.2
Itsuka Kotori
Eggs, also known as egg, birds, reptiles andamphibians born with a hard shell of the egg after fertilizationcan hatch a small animal for human consumption for thousands ofyears of history. Protected by the egg shell, and among the whiteand yolk are wrapped in various films.Egg yolks and whole eggs store large amounts of protein, cholineand other nutrients. Therefore, the United States Nongye Bu eggsdefined as meat in the diet pyramid.The most common of human consumption of eggs is eggs (aka chicken),other more often for food have duck eggs, quail eggs, goose and soon.Eggs can be divided into three parts: the shell, protein and eggyolk.Egg yolk contains high cholesterol, but also contains a highlecithin, carotenoids and lutein (can prevent arteriosclerosis),the proportion of saturated fatty acids of egg yolk total fat andonly 27%; therefore heart vascular disease has been controversial,some studies would think that one day an egg (yolk) for theprevention of cardiovascular disease harmless even beneficial, evena small number of studies have shown that two pairs of one daycardiovascular disease is not the problem, physicians believe thata healthy custard vegetarians can eat for a day or three egg yolks;the main reason is that the human body is mainly the liver tomanufacture cholesterol, and when eating large amounts ofcholesterol in the liver will automatically reduce cholesterolmanufacturing, so do not worry too much about the food insidecholesterol, excessive intake of saturated fats will stimulate theliver to produce excess cholesterol.In addition to concerns about high cholesterol, the egg has a goodand balanced nutrition. Another contain nutrients choline, vitaminA, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin B and other groups. The recent banon the use of MBM in various countries after raising chickens, eggcholesterol levels began to decline. If you use a high ω-3 fattyacid diet fed hens eggs which will have a higher amount of ω-3fatty acids, ω-3 fatty acids are likely to lack the modern diet offatty acids, are also considered to reduce cardiovascular disease,diabetes, cancer , depression and infertility risk of fatty acids(fish oil capsules is to complement ω-3 fatty acids).Another concern is the health of eggs is likely to cause chronicfood allergies, chronic food allergy is an obvious symptoms,difficult to detect food allergies. Vegetarian vegan custard mayalso eat eggs and dairy; and vegans unless additional supplement,it will be very easy to lack of vitamin B12 (mainly from animalfoods). Some studies suggest that more healthy than custardvegetarian, vegan, because the vegan cause low cholesterol,increase the risk of hemorrhagic stroke.Helanlaideng University study showed that tryptophan (eggs,chocolate and red meats) can increase mutual trust. The studyparticipants were first orange juice drink containing tryptophan,in pairs and then they play the trust game, the money will behanded over to one of them, let him decide how much to pay forcompanion and fellow then surrendered the first part of the moneyone person, and repeated several times.Play Introduction:* Click on the eggs constantly, until he split to* Collect all kinds of egg bar* Understand and value the precious eggsThis game is one game of surprises, a variety of particularlyinteresting eggs, let you one big eye-opener, and are fromdifferent places, so that the way you play, the more interesting toknow more constantly surprises business simulation applications,continuous collect all the eggs it.
Egg Breaking 1.0.8
Itsuka Kotori
Ready to enjoy eggs fun of it!Beat eggs will tell you a big surprise, every time youbreakeggsBeat eggs is a very interesting application, your goal is to taptheegg until it is brokenWhich bears many children playing toys, dolls and a variety ofveryinterestingEvery time you once the program has a different surpriseafterbreaking eggsBreaking eggs is well supported on phones and tabletsWe hope you will enjoy our app spend your timeThis is a lot of people playing the game, I believe you willbeaddictedBreaking eggs to develop patience, it's great funFunny breaking egg to laugh your friends crazy enjoyTags: children, surprise, eggs
Surprise Egg 1.4.3
Itsuka Kotori
Constantly surprises memorable, this is asurprise for the kids egg interesting mysterious mobilegames.There are many egg cute animal pattern, waiting for your child todownload this game to collect, can be said to be one of the bestchildren's app, playable and can play for a long time, until youcollect all the toys surprises so far, very modern children need todownload this game to play.Prepare your phone, it is time to download this game Hello! Thisgame for children, can be said to be very educational game forchildren to understand that there is no unearned things, effortsmust be harvested only strive clicking surprise eggs, cracked eggs,until the moment came, there will be no Like the joy of existenceit! If you do not work hard click eggs will always nothing is noteligible, though a bit cruel to children, but they have to learnsooner or later efforts to pay, to spend time and energy on it,will have unexpected results exist yet!As for the surprise egg cracked in the end what is it? There aremany animals stored inside dolls, cats, dogs, teddy bears, rats,rabbits, chickens, etc., is very rich and diverse toys, waiting foryour child to collect it, do not call your children downloadit?How to play:Repeatedly click on the egg, the egg will not stop shakingPoint to the egg to split up, stopped inCollect a variety of dolls, all direct